Blindfold food challenge

The Blindfold Food Challenge workshop is a fun way to encourage kids to try a selection of food, some familiar and some new.  The children not only can guess the food, they can also discover if they like or dislike them without perhaps being put off by the appearance.

Blindfold Food challenges are designed to appeal to older learners and mainly focus on communication skills: Listening Speaking and Vocabulary.  Skills and language work is thoroughly practised throughout each workshop. The speaking tasks during the Blindfold Food challenge workshops aim to enchance oral communication skills and to develop fluency and confidence.
Speaking activities are guided and pair work is used to develop the target language, ( I like/I don´t like + descriptive language) students are encouraged whenever possible, that only English is spoken.

There are several different Blindfold Food challenge workshops to choose from, please contact me for further information.

Sandwich Sticks

Everything is so much more exciting on a stick !  ¨Sandwich sticks¨ introduces children to a selection of healthy breads and ingredients that perhaps they would not normally eat on their sandwich.
Children make there own healthy sandwich sticks using fresh, wholesome ingredients.

Dunkin Dippers

Dunkin Dippers  introduces children to the idea that a selection of raw vegetables can also be a delicious nutritious snack.
Children make two scrumptious healthy dips and experiment with dipping the veggies.

For further information regarding the Dunkin Dippers workshop contact me.

Happy Crackers

Children create happy crackers with a variety of tasty, healthy toppers.
Snack time is much more fun with ¨Happy Crackers¨, children sing along and create happy healthier snacks.

Fruity Flowers

Fruit becomes a creation of art on a plate when children discover juicy alternative fruits together with some classic favourites.  Children sing along and have fun whilst learning colours and experimenting with their taste buds.  The fruity flowers workshop makes fruit a fun and interesting snack , it's an ideal workshop for mummy's too!

Mummy & Me Workshops

As a parent I fully understand the importance of parents being involved  in the learning process of their children.
Parents can provide an invaluable source of support, self-esteem, pride and motivation for a child´s progress.  Mummy & Me workshops provide the opportunity for parents or carers to help and become involved in the way their child learns English and discovers new foods. In this way parents can learn the target language too and be inspired to experiement with food themselves. Both of which can be re-inforced together at home.

Mummy & Me workshops are designed for a maximum of 8 children plus carer. The workshops can take place in Schools (extra escolar AMPA), community centres or private venues.